Over 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from neuropathy disorder.
Peripheral neuropathy is a result of auto-immunity, nutritional imbalance, toxins or infections.
Some reactions are associated with other diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, drug abuse, and cancer
1) Weakness
2) Numbness usually in the arm and legs
3) Pain
4) Low blood pressure , dizziness when standing
5) Bowel and bladder irregularities
Two main divisions of nervous system:
1) Peripheral nervous system
The Pheripheral nervous system contains the nerves that connect the central nervous system to the to the muscles, skin, and internal organs.
2) Central nervous system
The Central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.
Neuropathy affects all three types of nerve fibers:
Motor nerves are responsible for voluntary movements. Their body lies within the spinal cord, so when you reach to open a door or run, your motor nerves are working.
Weakness in the arms or legs
Cannot climb stairs
Muscle cramps
Difficulty running
Do your arms have difficulties carrying a load of groceries?
Is it hard to open a jar ?
Are you challenged by combing your hair?
Do you drop your keys frequently in one day?
Sensory nerves allow us to feel pain, vibrations or touch, and recognize shapes by feel.
When sensory nerves are damaged you can feel all these symptoms at once: Tingling, cold, pinching, pins and needles, burning, prickling, pinching, deep stabs, buzzing or electric shocks
The symptoms become worse at night and extremely painful, with very unpleasant abnormal sensations brought on by touching.
Autonomic nerves control involuntary functions:
* Breathing
* Heart beat
* Blood pressure
* Digestion
* Sexual function
What is neuropathy?
Mononeuropathy -The disorder of a single peripheral nerve, caused by a trauma, or local compression, where the nerve is being squeezed causing inflammation. 1) carpal tunnel syndrome-a wrist and hand disorder 2) bell’s palsy- a facial nerve disorder
Both of these disorders effect single nerve trunks in certain areas.
Disorders of two or more nerve trunks in separate areas is caused by a generalized disorder like diabetes. This form of neuropathy is called mononeuritis multiplex.
Polyneuropathy – This disorder damages or effects the greatest number of peripheral nerves.
Some neuropathies come on suddenly, others gradually over so many years. Damage to autonomic nerves can cause dizziness when trying to stand up. Other autonomic damages are constipation, diarrhea , thinning of the skin, easily brusing, poor healing, and sexual dysfunction.
According to the teachings of the great father of Persian medicine, Ibn Sina, “In times of any imbalance we need to return to the basics of nature.” Vitamins, minerals, herbs, exercise,and nutrition therapy are all extremely important in recuperation of any dysfunction.
Motor nerves
Weakness in the arms or legs are usually caused by damage to the motor nerves.
Cannot climb stairs
Muscle cramps
Difficulty running
Do your arms have difficulties carrying a load of groceries?
Is it hard to open a jar ?
Are you challenged by combing your hair ?
Do you drop your keys frequently in one day ?
Sensory nerves
When sensory nerves are damaged you could feel all these symptoms all at once : tingling, cold, pinching, pins and needles, burning, prickling, pinching, deep stabs, buzzing or electric shocks .
They become worse at night and extremely painful .
Very abnormal and unpleasant abnormal sensations brought on by touching.
Vitamins, mineral, herbs, exercize, nutrition therapy are all extremely important in recuperation of any dysfunction.
In times of any imbalance we need to return to the basics of nature and the teachings of the great “Ibnn Sinna ” or Poreh Sinna.
Please consult your physician or primary care provider before you use any of this information for your personal use. The information has not been approved by the FDA.