Hoshino Therapy
This type of therapy specializes in determining abnormalities upright by traveling the fingers and palm on the fricative tissues of the body. They are highly drilled to acquire sensitiveness in both keeping to supply this aim. 1HR........$100.00
This massage can be combined with Salt Scrub, Hot Stone Therapy for additional $25.00 Homa or Huma Therapy
The Huma (Persian: pronounced Homā), also Homa, is a legendary bird especially of the Persian mythology. It is said to never come to rest, living its entire life flying invisibly high above the earth, and never aligning on the ground. Homa Healing or Therapy is an ancient form of movement of Energy through human body (unblocking or freeing Channels of Energy), so one can feel more energized physically, emotionally & spiritually.
We understand why this form of energetic therapy is called "HOMA " leaving you feeling free as the legendary bird of Persia ~ Homa. 1HR........$150.00
A form of ancient Persian release with specific breathing methods. It takes the human physical body outside of its parameters to release physical and emotional pain. 1HR........$200.00